The OED is updated four times a year, every March, June, September, and December. The most recent edition published on 1 December 2010 revises more than 2,400 entries and adds new words from across the dictionary.
In addition to this there are some other very exciting features.
Windows on to words: This feature allows you to see images associated with the word.
In the news: the UN conference on climate change is held at Cancun, Mexico; anniversary events mark John Lennon's murder in 1980, while England and Australia battle for the Ashes: do you know your googly from your yorker?
Word of the Day: December's featured words include digital, de-stress, mistletoe, and hootananny. Sign up to Word of the Day or follow OED Online on Twitter.
Shapers of English: Robert McCrum considers P. G. Wodehouse's contribution to English.
English in use: Eleanor Maier looks at Watergate and the language of scandal.
Word Story: Michael Proffitt, the OED's managing editor, traces the Changing the Meaning of Information
Schott's Vocab Daily Lexeme: Ben Schott selects a daily entry from the OED online for his blog in the New york Times
Also included are links for students and teachers on using the OED for research, study, and teaching.