The new ProQuest platform is designed to be user-friendly, intuitive, and engaging. The new clean look makes searches quick and easy. You can use the subject-area image representations of the databases to search a category. Or you can enter a quick search using the search box, and get results across all of the ProQuest databases available from the library. Start typing and the platform provides keyword recommendations, based on your entry using an auto complete feature.
Plus, you can personalize your research experience with your own My Research account with options to save, print, email, cite, export citations, and more. You can set some search preferences and even change the language interface to best suit your needs.
Here is a step by step Demonstration for you to utilize if you’d like a walk through before diving in. Again, we hope that you enjoy the new look and functionality.
Happy Researching!
Here is a list of all the titles we have from ProQuest.
- ABI/INFORM Archive
- ABI/INFORM Complete
- Accounting & Tax
- Atlanta Journal & Constitution
- Banking Information Source
- Evidence-Based Resources from the Joanna Briggs Institute
- Hoover's Company Profiles
- International Newspapers
- Los Angeles Times
- National Newspaper Abstracts (3)
- National Newspapers Core
- New York Times
- Pharmaceutical News Index
- ProQuest Asian Business & Reference
- ProQuest Career and Technical Education
- ProQuest Computing
- ProQuest Criminal Justice Periodicals
- ProQuest Dissertations & Theses A&I
- ProQuest Education Journals
- ProQuest European Business
- ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Atlanta Daily World (1931-2003)
- ProQuest Military Collection
- ProQuest Newsstand
- ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Source
- ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Source
- ProQuest Religion
- ProQuest Research Library
- ProQuest Social Science Journals
- ProQuest Telecommunications
- Southeastern Newspapers
- The Christian Science Monitor
- The Wall Street Journal
- The Washington Post