The library would like to announce the new GIL-Find library catalog interface. Meant to compliment the Classic GIL, GIL-Find provides an alternative for searching for items within our library catalog. Both options will remain available to you. Please try searching in both to see the differences yourself.
Designed to be more intuitive for users trying discover resources, GIL-Find offers some really fun and unique tools to help you with your research. One of the major differences you will notice is that GIL-Find uses faceted searching. Faceted searching allows you to narrow your search according to location, format, topic, language, time period, etc. just by clicking! This is particularly useful when you're browsing or not exactly sure how to define your search parameters.
Here's an example of what the search results might look for a basic search on "cats". You can see that a wide variety of results will appear. If you decide you're mostly interested in reading fiction about cats, you may want to click on the "P-Language and Literature" link under the Call Number category. That will narrow your results to only fictional works about cats.

What else can it do? Text yourself a citation. Directly export an item into a citation manager (EndNote, Refworks). See an image of the cover of the work. Add tags to an item record. Add your own user review. Set up an RSS feed of searches. Get suggestions of similar items. Read or preview the book in Google Books. And more! There are so many options that we're excited about!
Your feedback is important. We're looking forward to hearing what you think of the new GIL-Find!