If you have ever written or are currently writing an Honors or Master’s thesis you know how much time, research, and effort goes into this requirement for your degree and graduation. That’s why here at the library we feel that the last thing you should worry about is how to get your work bound and finalized. In order to help you facilitate this process quickly and cleanly we have put together step by step instructions on how to prepare, pay, and arrange final delivery of your bound thesis. You can find this information under Periodical Procedures on the Technical Services Department page on the libraries website or here listed below.
Theses binding policies
Theses binding policies
- Theses should be turned in for binding to Mr. Brian Hulsey,( 568-2463) in the Schwob Library, Room 114
- Theses are accepted Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00am and 4:30pm.
- Three copies must be printed on 100% cotton bond paper. Two of these copies are retained by the library; the other is a departmental copy.
- If the theses include CD's, two copies of the CD must be submitted. The CD's should be labeled with the student's name and the title of the thesis. The Library will place self-adhesive CD pockets only in the back of the two library copies of the thesis. The student is responsible for putting CD pockets in the other copies.
- Each copy submitted for binding must be in a separate manila envelope. Each envelope should be marked with the student's name, degree earned, and semester and year of graduation. The three envelopes containing the library copies and the departmental copy must be clearly marked as such to differentiate them from personal copies. (See details on Thesis Binding Checklist (PDF)).
- The library considers all theses presented for binding as being in their final form. All editing and collating must be completed prior to submitting the material to the library. No material will be returned for revision once it has been accepted for binding.
- The library assumes no responsibility for, and will not correct, misspellings or collation errors (missing pages, misnumbered pages, etc.).
- If there are separate illustrations that accompany the thesis text, they must be glued in by the student. The library will provide special glue for this procedure.
- All copies to be bound must be paid for in advance and turned in together.
The student will pay for the binding of all copies (the three required copies and any personal copies that he/she desires). Cost of each copy will be $12.50 (effective August 2010). Checks should be made payable to Columbus State University Library. The check should be given to the Periodicals Assistant. - The student will complete a CSU Binding File Slip at the time copies are turned in and paid for. This slip will serve as the student's receipt. (Printable Binding Slip (PDF))
Price for each copy includes gold lettering for author's last name and year on spine and full author and title on the front cover - Theses will be bound in the following colors:
blue - Public Administration and Music
green - Computer Science
red - Environmental Science
purple - Honors - Mr. Hulsey will inform the student of the estimated date of return for the bound theses. Normally, bound theses will be ready approximately 4-6 weeks after drop-off at the library. However, the bindery's pick-up schedule may affect turnaround time.
- Thesis authors are responsible for picking up any personal copies as well as departmental copies (if applicable). Thesis authors moving out of the area immediately after graduation should make arrangements to have their personal and departmental copies picked up by another person. Please provide local contact information on this other person on the Binding Slip. The Periodicals Assistant will notify the author, or his designee, when a thesis is ready for pickup. Theses may be picked up Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00am and 4:30pm.
Thesis Binding Checklist (PDF)
Printable Binding Slip (PDF)
We hope this helps you finalize your work and degree swiftly and virtually stress fee. If you have any questions, comments or concerns dealing with this subject, please call Mr. Brian Hulsey at (706) 568-2463 or email him at hulsey_brian@colstate.edu