We would again like to highlight the fantastic resource and teaching tool Films On Demand, and once again invite you to learn more about this valuable service.
Films On Demand is a web-based digital video delivery platform that allows you to view streaming videos from Films Media Group anytime, anywhere, 24/7! Lease or purchase one or one hundred videos, or subscribe to one or more of our subject-specific streaming video collections. Thousands of videos are available for in-class use and remote viewing from the library, in the dorm, or at home. The high-quality streaming videos can be accessed by librarians, faculty, and students through online card catalogs, learning management systems, and distance learning courses. And special features built into the Films Demand platform allow users the ability to organize and bookmark clips, share playlists, store quick links to favorite videos, and manage their entire collection through an administrative reporting system.
Join us for a webinar to learn tips on best navigation and usage of Films on Demand. The webinar is open not only to librarians but to faculty and any other educators or administrators who want to know more, so please forward the registration information to anyone who may be interested.
Films On Demand Webinars.
The overview will contain the same content as previous overview sessions presented in
October-December. The Playlists and Sharing session will delve deeper into these features.
Films On Demand Overview
January 26 at 11:00-12:00 (registration deadline January 24)
Description: Films on Demand (Master Academic Collection) consists of
7,000 video titles (77,000 segments) in Humanities & Social Sciences,
Business & Economics, Health, and Science. Join the vendor trainer for
an in-depth look at this resource.
Films on Demand: Playlists and Sharing
February 22 at 11:00-11:30 (deadline February 21)
This 30-minute webinar will focus on using playlists to manage films
and segments of films and sharing them with others. Playlists can
consist of any combination of films or segments.