Check out CSU ePress, CSU’s year-old digital repository
that holds the academic output of the university. You might be asking “What’s in it for
me?” and we can honestly say that there’s much that the CSU ePress has
to offer for CSU students and faculty.

Using the CSU ePress, one can access electronic theses and
dissertations (ETDs) generated by members of CSU over the years. The repository
also holds an extensive list of faculty bibliographic references, and a number
of faculty publications, in addition to some student publications.
The CSU ePress is a valuable research tool for those who
care to have access to academic materials generated by CSU students and
faculty, as well as citation information about faculty publications. For those
who care to contribute their work to the repository, it’s an easy way to not
only archive one’s work, but also to have one’s work openly disseminated.
All material on CSU ePress is open access, meaning that
the material is available for everyone’s use, free of charge.
Guest Blogger: Charlotte Davis
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