Rites of Passage Convocati on
The purpose of the Rites of Passage Convocati on is to honor CSU faculty who have been promoted to the rank of Full Professor. The Rites of Passage for academic year 2017 will take place in October and honoring seven faculty members who have achieved this distinction.
Our third presentation in the series for 2017 is scheduled for Tuesday, October 24th in the Forum area of the Schwob Library starting with lunch at 12 noon and presentations to follow from 12:30 to 1:30 pm.
Tuesday, October 24th:
- Dr. Rosa Williams, Department of Earth and Space Sciences and Coca-Cola Space Science Center, College of Letters and Sciences
- Dr. Zdeslav, Hrepic, Department of Earth and Space Sciences, College of Letters and Sciences

- Dr. Mariko Izumi, Department of Communications, College of the Arts
- Dr. Kevin Burgess, Department of Biology, College of Letters and Sciences
Please join us in celebrating the achievements of our full professors.
Food and fellowship starts at 12:00 noon. See you then!!