Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Beat the Heat with Summer Reading

Students and patrons are advised to accommodate the summer heat in the Schwob Memorial Library to continue scholarship and the pace of their studies. Be sure to review suggestions for keeping cool during the hot months of summer and the last weeks of the spring semester. 

Studying for finals, planning summer vacations, or cramming all the information you are accountable for before a final can be overwhelming especially with the pollen-infused, heavy summer heat blaring throughout the CSU campus and libraries.

CSU libraries encourages patrons and students to “Beat the heat” with a few suggestions that may jump start his or her summer and summer reading lists. Be sure to also browse Galileo, Gil-Find and other CSU library databases, and CSU libraries to compile your summer reading lists, to beat the heat!

Top tips for beating the heat
1. Stay hydrated and drink lots of water and non-carbonated drinks 
2. Dress in appropriate fabrics and garments to keep cool
3. Wear the appropriate grade of sun protection for your skin
4. Stay cool with a good book or magazine inside or near the Chattahoochee River
5. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables to increase energy 

For more information, be sure to visit the Schwob Memorial Library for a various reading selections to read and stay cool! For more information or help with summer reading, contact a CSU Subject Librarians for help. 

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