Friday, July 29, 2011

Improve your ARTstor skills!

Need some brushing up on using ARTstor?

New instructional videos have been added to ARTstor's YouTube channel, and they are all now close-captioned in the language of your choice!

Current titles available are: "Registering," "Faceted Search," "Export to PowerPoint," "Folders and image groups," and "How to unlock a password-protected folder."

More topics will be added in the coming weeks.

You can find these videos at and on ARTstor's Help Wiki.

The ARTstor Digital Library provides more than one million images with tools for teaching and research. Its collections comprise contributions from outstanding museums, photographers, libraries, scholars, photo archives, and artists and artists' estates from all over the world. The collections encompass a wide variety of subject areas, including art, architecture, music, religion, anthropology, literature, world history, American Studies, Asian Studies, Classical Studies, Medieval Studies, Renaissance Studies, and more.

Happy Searching!

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