Thursday, December 9, 2010

Wondering What to Do Over the Break, Why Not Read.

As the end of the semester quickly approaches and break is looming just on the horizon, do you find yourself thinking about what you're going to do with all that free time over break? Why not read a book or two. If this sounds like a good idea to you here are some ways we can help you.

First, you can start by searching our catalog to see what we've got that you are interested in. If you couldn't find the title you wanted take a gander at the lists below, they are sure to help you find something you'll enjoy over the break.

  • National Book Awards - click on the AWARDS dropdown menu in homepage’s banner and browse by decades or by genre.
  • Stonewall Book Awards - presented to English language books that have exceptional merit relating to the gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgendered experience – browse by present and past years.
If we don't have a book that you're looking for, don't worry you still have options when you go home.

Finally, if you see something that you would like to read once you get back next semester that we don't have in the collection, we have you covered. You can use GIL Express to have it sent from any other University System of Georgia institution, or place an Inter Library Loan Request.

Have a safe and enjoyable break and we will see you next semester.

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